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Giclees, choice of 5

High-quality reproductions of works of art. The giclée art print is a contemporary digital printing technique that meets the highest demands placed on graphics by artists, museums and art collectors. The giclée art print, just like the Fine Art Print and photo print, has conquered an equal place in the art world among the more well-known traditional graphic techniques such as etching, screen printing and stone lithography.


50 x 50 cm (19,7 x 19,7 inch)

Limited edition, signed and with certificate, without frame.

Price €150 each  (shipping in EU)

Cards with envelope, package of 5

You will receive them at home as a package of 5

13 x 13cm  (5 x 5 inch)

Price €15 for 5 different cards

Shipping costs €4.95 (in EU)

Giclees & Cards for sale

Jar with chllipeppers
50x50cm (19.7x19.7 inch)

Jar with limes
50x50cm (19.7x19.7 inch)

Jar with candies
50x50cm (19.7x19.7 inch)

Jar with eggs
50x50cm (19.7x19.7 inch)

Jar with tangarines
50x50cm (19.7x19.7 inch)

Order form
Glicee 50 x 50 cm
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